On 28 November, Hermann Butting handed over a cheque for EUR 20 000 as a donation to the “Kinder brauchen Zukunft...im Landkreis Gifhorn“ initiative. BUTTING, the stainless steel processor in Knesebec
A few years ago, the management of the BUTTING companies decided to pool the purchasing activities for certain product groups for several locations in a central purchasing unit. Sebastian Ballendat to
A blood drive took place at BUTTING’s headquarters in Knesebeck for the first time on 26 June, 2014. All of BUTTING’s employees were given the opportunity to donate blood before or after working hours
As part of our commitment to occupational health and safety (OHS), BUTTING invited staff to give blood on 29 June 2015. The team from the Springe branch of the German Red Cross welcomed staff in our c
The Quellenstrasse kindergarten in Heimerzheim, North Rhine-Westphalia, fell victim to the great German flood disaster in July of this year. A sum of 25 000 euros was collected in a fundraising campai
At the end of August, the 8th AOK Company Run took place in Braunschweig. A total of around 3,000 runners took part from more than 200 companies in the region. The 5.3 km-long route took the runners i
BUTTING regards workplace health promotion as very important. The family business offers its employees a large number of preventive measures to promote their health. These range from regular fruit day
Affiliated companies form powerful global network
BUTTING was founded in 1777 in Crossen on the river Oder as a coppersmith's. Since then, the family business has grown continuously and has shap
With its efficient global network, BUTTING is at home in the world's growth markets. Our customers gain from the strengths of the individual companies that are grouped together for the benefit of our