Health and safety in the workplace in accordance with DIN ISO 45001
Occupational health and safety for our employees has always been an integral part of our mission statement. Under the motto "We make BUTTING safe", it is our declared aim to practice the occupational health and safety culture throughout the entire BUTTING Group and to invest in it continuously.
We are making every effort to avoid injuries, accidents and work-related illnesses. At the same time, we continually work to actively reduce the hazards at our sites. The working environments of our employees, the machines and systems as well as the workplaces are systematically analysed with regard to potential hazards. Risks are assessed and measures are taken to minimise and prevent risks.
With the support of our specialists from the areas of occupational medicine and occupational safety, we establish projects for improving health protection. Regular on-site inspections, employee appraisals and focus campaigns support our comprehensive prevention and security measures.
In order to guarantee health and safety at work as well as operational and plant safety for our external companies and visitors, all external companies at our site in Knesebeck are instructed accordingly by our external company coordinator. The provisions and requirements are laid down in our external company regulations.
BUTTING – Progress by Tradition