458 results:
ASME U stamp: Successful re-certification  
In many countries, qualified manufacturers of pressurised components, such as pressure vessels or high pressure pipes in power plants, require special certification in order to operate. Certification…  
Brochures >> Assemblies >> Vessels, tanks and columns >> Plant construction See also >> Reference: Paper and pulp industry >> Reference: Engineering and…  
| AUSBILDUNG Bewerbungen sind jederzeit möglich. Ausbildungsdauer: 3,5 Jahre Berufsschule: OSZ II Barnim (Eberswalde) Ausbildungsstart: August Anlagenmechaniker Unsere Allroundtalente fürs…  
| AUSBILDUNG Ausbildungsdauer: 3,5 Jahre Berufsschule: OSZ IMT in Berlin Ausbildungsstart: August Technischer Produktdesigner Fachrichtung Maschinen- und Anlagenkonstruktion Unsere Profis für…  
Award for safety at work  
For the first time, BUTTING has won a bonus from a customer for outstanding achievements in the area of safety at work: on 21 February, INPEX gave us an award for safety at work in the “Ichthys LNG…  
Awards ceremony for summer 2019 apprentices  
This summer, eleven trainees in seven skilled jobs successfully completed their training at BUTTING. At the traditional awards ceremony on 26 July, the certificates were presented and the trainees…  
Ball blasted pipes made of aluminium  
BUTTING Canada recently received an order from an American bulk material technology company. For the order, BUTTING produced prefabricated piping components from aluminium and stainless steel in…  
Bending facilities extended in Knesebeck  
BUTTING has specialised in the production of pipes, pipe fittings and pipework prefabrication for many decades. It recently expanded its forming technology facilities. In the future, we will be…  
Big bore pipes for the chemical industry  
The manufacturing of high-quality stainless steel pipes with longitudinal welds is the focus of BUTTING's business activities. Our company's capabilities are demonstrated in a wide selection of…  
Bulk storage tanks for a thermal evaporation plant  
Bulk storage tanks are the speciality of BUTTING Anlagenbau in Schwedt/Oder. Recently, for example, two bulk storage tanks were manufactured for a pulp and paper mill in Lower Saxony on behalf of the…  
Search results 31 until 40 of 458