When you drive along the A4 motorway between Cologne and Olpe, you currently have to reckon with speed limits due to construction measures. The motorway bridge across the Wiehltal valley in North Rhin
The latest advertising campaign of BUTTING Anlagenbau in Schwedt now also adorns a UVG (Uckermärkische Verkehrsgesellschaft) bus! At the photo session on the company premises, everyone was very excite
BUTTING is a family-owned business defined by a commitment to high quality and reliability. The many different industries served by processors of stainless steel like BUTTING have a wide variety of re
As an independent family business, BUTTING's mission statement includes making a valuable contribution to the standard of living of its employees and their families. That's why we are actively involve
In February 2015, BUTTING for the first time gained ISO 50001 certification for successful systematic energy management. The auditors believe that the energy management system introduced for this purp
BUTTING Anlagenbau in Schwedt has expanded its expertise and capacity in apparatus and pipeline construction. At the beginning of July, the company TEXTORIS was acquired.
See also >> News: New Exhaust Air Concept for Surface Technology
Documents >> Flyer Environmental management
Nature can breathe with us
In the context of a sustainable development pr
See also >> Onshore scrubber for waste gas cleaning
Components ready for installation for the environmental technology
The production of components ready for use requires a high degree of
BUTTING bietet am Standort Schwedt ab sofort Ausbildung zum Anlagenmechaniker Aufgaben und Tätigkeiten Das bieten wir dir Als Anlagenmechaniker stellst du Anlagen her, die beispielsweise im Behälte