The longstanding success of our family business is based in large part on our high performance global network. Since the 1980s, BUTTING has invested in its international production sites and sales…
BUTTING is aware of the holistic responsibility for its entrepreneurial activities. That is why optimum protection of the environment and the responsible use of energy resources are key components of…
BUTTING Anlagenbau in Schwedt has expanded its expertise and capacity in apparatus and pipeline construction. At the beginning of July, the company TEXTORIS was acquired.
The first order has been placed: from July 2020, BUTTING will produce GluBi® pipes, glue bonded mechanically lined pipes, for a customer project for the first time. The pipes will be supplied early…
Since BUTTING was founded, the partnership with leading companies in the pulp and paper-making industry has been an important part of our company identity. For nine years now, numerous projects have…
Do away with the old and risk something new: innovative medium-sized companies like BUTTING from Knesebeck are not afraid of change. They see it as an opportunity. This was the company's convincing…
Information on publication
In the framework of current press releases we are pleased to make available to you the press photos contained in our gallery, free of charge. The condition precedent for…
Our BUTTING team was recently able to prove that good internal cooperation enables fast order processing and uncomplicated handling of customer orders: within two days of placing the order, our…
Health is our greatest asset. Prevention in occupational health and safety is therefore an essential part of BUTTING's mission statement. Against this background, the Integration Workshop of BUTTING…
At BUTTING Tieling in China, new production halls were completed at the end of 2019. Two new facilities were recently put into operation in one of the two halls. The facilities enable customers to…