BUTTING Butting Anlagenbau GmbH &Co.KG AGB G E N E R A L T E R M S O F S A LE General of Terms of Sale Preamble These general terms of sale shall apply exclusively. We shall not acknowledge any…
Our customers benefit time and again from our comprehensive expertise in the field of material grade technology, especially in the processing of special alloys. We were once again able to impress our…
A few years ago, the management of the BUTTING companies decided to pool the purchasing activities for certain product groups for several locations in a central purchasing unit. Sebastian Ballendat…
Only about 10 International Welding Inspectors (IWI) are trained at the Teaching and Research Institute for Welding Technology (Schweißtechnische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt, SLV) in Hanover every…
On the occasion of World AIDS Day 2020 on 1st December, BUTTING joined the appeal of Deutsche Aidshilfe and signed the declaration of non-discriminatory treatment of HIV-positive people in the…
Compliance management and Code of Conduct at BUTTING
Compliance with laws and regulations is a fundamental component of our company's success. It is not just the absolute basis for the rule of law –…
Corrosion-resistant materials for well construction
Ready-for-installation components and prefabricated pipes for well construction must come with a high degree of functional safety and corrosion…
To help you decide: Seamless or welded pipes?
You know that stainless steel pipes can be manufactured in both seamless or welded form. But what are the benefits offered by each of these production…
In August 2018, the pipe pickling facility, one of the most important production areas of stainless steel welded pipe production of BUTTING in Knesebeck, burnt down. Just a few days after the…
BUTTING produces both metallurgically clad and mechanically lined pipes. To ensure that our customers can continue to benefit from this advantage as demand grows, BUTTING is doubling its production…