New record: 71 future leaders

On August 1, another new apprenticeship year started at BUTTING: the new apprentices and their families were invited to the introductory event at the factory premises in Knesebeck.

This year's special feature: a total of 52 apprentices in 10 training professions were welcomed. This was a remarkable record number! Never before have so many apprentices started their careers at BUTTING.

Marc Brauße, Head of the Clad pipes business unit in Knesebeck, feels "gratitude and pride" for this. He urged the apprentices to be proud of themselves and their decision to choose BUTTING as their training partner.

Brauße began his welcoming speech with the words "We are celebrating you today!". He then took those present on a journey through the world of BUTTING - from the product portfolio and the company's history to its philosophy and self-image. He emphasized the family-like working atmosphere and entrepreneurial sustainability: "The basis of our cooperation is appreciation." Accordingly, the apprentices are an asset to BUTTING with their unique personalities.

After the introduction of the trainers, Carsten Kamke, responsible for industrial-technical training in Knesebeck, emphasized that the world was now open to the apprentices, especially at BUTTING. He illustrated this with his personal experience abroad with BUTTING.

This was followed by a tour of selected production areas and a small snack for the apprentices and their families.

The impressive day ended with a round of introductions for the apprentices, during which they were presented with iPads to accompany their training.

There was also a premiere at the Schwedt site: A vehicle mechatronics technician started his training here for the first time. A total of 16 apprentices in three training professions began their first year of training in Schwedt. They took part in the introductory event there together with their parents in July, followed by a day together in August to strengthen team spirit.

In Burgkirchen, two apprentices can look forward to starting their training at BUTTING in September. A tour of the company with lunch together and a sporty apprentice excursion await them in the first week.

This year, we are also welcoming an apprentice chef to our BUTTING Akademie for the first time.

BUTTING warmly welcomes the many new apprentices to the family of employees and wishes them all a good start in their new phase of life!


BUTTING - more than pipes - for a better quality of life