BUTTING sponsors seven football pitches

Experiencing community through football – under this motto, numerous localities applied with great interest for support from BUTTING in Knesebeck. In the region around the parent plant, a total of seven football pitches are to be newly built or extensively renovated thanks to the sponsorship. The participants eagerly awaited the draw. Finally the time came. Now we say congratulations!

The winners looking forward to BUTTING's support are: 

  • Bokel
  • Gamsen 
  • Hankensbüttel
  • Hohne
  • Hoitlingen
  • Lüdelsen
  • Stöcken


Hermann Butting knows from experience: "The times I spent with my friends on the football pitch near my parents' house are among my fondest childhood memories! From a young age up to the under-19 tournaments, I was an active club football player and learned what it means to develop a fighting spirit and the will to win, to subordinate myself in the team and to work together for a goal. I am still a member of VFL Knesebeck today." That's why the company owner wants to support seven football pitches in the region. Employees could apply with their localities, communities or associations to have the existing areas fully equipped. A unique opportunity for members of our BUTTING employee family from the region! The goalposts are sustainably made from stainless steel by the apprentices in BUTTING's training workshop. 

Due to the large number of applications, the decision had to be made by lot. Recently, the representatives of the winning localities met for a first meeting and reported on their initial project plans. This resulted in an inspiring exchange of experiences, knowledge and conceptual ideas. Plenty of heart, soul and commitment has gone into every single project, all to create an exciting place for children to play and grow. 

Hermann Butting showed great enthusiasm for the localities' initiatives. With BUTTING's backing, the localities can now begin implementing the plans and building the pitches independently. The company owner is visibly proud: "Together, we are creating a community space that is accessible to everyone, where young and old can meet, compete and spend many exciting hours. This is another contribution to a better quality of life in our region."

BUTTING – more than pipes – for a better quality of life