Once again this year, some employees impressively demonstrated how important employee health is. With sporting ambition and a good dose of team spirit, they mastered the almost 5-kilometer course. Frederike Klie and Marvin Schiller, our fastest BUTTING runners, deserve special mention. After the race, all the runners and those who cheered them on enjoyed the evening in a relaxed atmosphere - with good food, networking and lots of good humor.
BUTTING's health promotion program is also running smoothly in other respects. This includes a wide range of offers for employees, including regular fruit days, free cardiovascular and skin screenings as well as advice on addiction and mental stress in the workplace. Back training courses are also offered to promote physical health in the long term.
"Workplace health promotion aims to promote and maintain the physical, mental, psychological and social health of our employees in all age and risk groups," says Jan Holz, responsible for workplace health promotion at the main plant in Knesebeck. "Taking part in the company run is a great opportunity to do something for your health and strengthen team spirit at the same time," emphasizes Jan Holz.
BUTTING - more than pipes - for a better quality of life
BUTTING: Healthy and continuously successful!