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63 results:
Project sales  
Brochures >>Stainless steel welded pipes See also >> News: Successes in the North Sea Tailor-made stainless steel pipes for your ambitious project Our high-quality pipes are in  
Stock sales  
… Stock list See also >> Reference: Stock sales >> News: Fast Track at BUTTING proves its…  
Tubos soldados em aço inoxidável  
… to answer inquiries qucikly and target-oriented, our sales department „Stainless steel welded pipes" is…  
Política de Privacidade  
… Further information concerning the terms and conditions of use and data privacy can be found at…  
We celebrate longstanding partnerships  
BUTTING, whose tradition spans more than 240 years, considers long-term partnerships to be of fundamental importance. This is why we celebrate anniversaries with our employees and our customers. Many  
Permanent: new marking for pipes from coil  
Product traceability is an essential quality criterion. This also applies to longitudinally welded stainless steel pipes. With this in mind, BUTTING has optimised its manufacturing process for pipes  
Aerospace Industry: successful recertification  
Nadcap certification for the "welding" sub-process has been available since the beginning of 2019. BUTTING in Knesebeck has now successfully completed the recertification.  
BUTTING in Knesebeck: new process organisation  
True to our self-image at BUTTING, we endeavour to impress our customers with the quality and reliability of our performance. In order to continue implementing this endeavour in future, the  
Surprising: Hermann Butting publishes book  
No, this is neither about the BUTTING book nor the BUTTING Clad Book. Under the title "Pipeline zum Leben: Ein Unternehmer entdeckt die Bergpredigt" [Pipeline to Life: An Entrepreneur Discovers the  
Variety of production options pays off  
BUTTING is the only pipe manufacturer in the world that produces longitudinally welded stainless steel pipes as well as metallurgically clad and mechanically lined pipes (BuBi® pipes). Our customer  
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