BUTTING recently received an order to supply pipes and elbows for equipping a plant for the production of polypropylene in the USA. For this application in pneumatic conveying, the piping parts are…
Recently BUTTING received the largest order in the company’s history to equip a pneumatic post system with pipes and elbows. This system will be situated in one of the largest chemical parks in the…
Política de Privacidade
When you use our website, it is important for us to protect your privacy. As the operator of this website, the H. Butting GmbH & Co. KG would now like to inform you about…
Since 1958, BUTTING has been manufacturing a wide range of products for nuclear plants. The main plant in Knesebeck recently received an order for prefabrication of pipelines for the French nuclear…
Some time ago BUTTING was able to book a large order for the extension of a seawater desalinisation plant in Israel. The plant's capacities are to be doubled without interrupting operations – a…
The health and physical well-being of employees have come into the focus of personnel management increasingly in recent decades. The measures involved range from basic safety at work to…
Rotina: todos os atuais procedimentos de soldagem
A BUTTING supre as crescentes demandas do mercado com o desenvolvimento contínuo dos seus processos: em 2001, os processos de soldagem por plasma-pó…
Brochuras >> Tubos especiais e componentes prontos para a instalação >> Production and service profile
Veja também >> Qualificações >> Carcaças de válvulas e de…
Brochuras >> Tubos especiais e componentes prontos para a instalação >> Production and service profile
Veja também >> BUTTING HeRo® >> Qualificações
Tubos especiais com características específicas
Além de tubos de aço inoxidável com costura longitudinal para aplicações industriais, também produzimos tubos especiais e componentes prontos para…