For the 15th time, Tube, the world’s leading trade fair for the pipe industry, took place in Düsseldorf from 4 till 8 April 2016. A total of 1 278 exhibitors from 51 countries presented their…
True to our self-conception, we are designing a powerful network with cooperation partners worldwide. To preserve this network and improve cooperation, regular meetings of our global partners take…
A central aspect of BUTTING’s management policy is sustainability. The Integrated Management System (IMS) is intended to ensure actions within the company are guided and monitored in accordance with…
In all of its activities, BUTTING strives for top quality performance. It is part of our self-conception that we are strong in the fields of material and welding technology, production technology,…
The focus of BUTTING’s business activities is the manufacturing of high-quality longitudinally welded pipes made from stainless steels. But the range of products and services has for many years gone…
Norway is currently developing a huge oil-field in the North Sea. The country is hoping this will secure its position on the oil market for the next 30 years. BUTTING was granted the order to produce…
In September 2015, a big special transport load rolled through Schwedt on the Oder (Brandenburg). One of the leading producers and suppliers of bio-fuels in Europe commissioned BUTTING Anlagenbau in…
On 10 December, the annual pensioners’ Christmas celebrations took place at BUTTING in Knesebeck. More than 70 former employees, both pensioners and people in early retirement, accepted the…
Brazil is in a state of emergency: the country is struggling with the most serious economic downturn for three decades. BUTTING Brasil is holding its own in a competitive market and has been able to…
BUTTING and the Vocational Schools II (BBS II) in Gifhorn are cooperating with the Chinese Liaoning Engineer Vocational College (LEVC) in order to establish the dual training system in China. The…