Componentes em aço inoxidável prontos para instalação para a tecnologia de bombeamento
A tecnologia de bombeamento atingiu um nível muito desenvolvido. Em se tratando de peças cada vez mais
Vasos para transporte e armazenamento de resíduos radioativos
Um dos requisitos básicos na produção de componentes para usinas geradoras de energia, especialmente para instalações nucleares, é o alto
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Componentes prontos para instalação
Além de tubos de aço inoxidável com costura longitudinal para aplicações industriais, também produzimos tubos especiais e componentes prontos para instalação.
Two women have the courage to break new ground. To do this, they set up an association, leave their secure jobs and work hard to set up a forest kindergarten in Barwedel / Germany. That's the sort of
Product traceability is an essential quality criterion. This also applies to longitudinally welded stainless steel pipes. With this in mind, BUTTING has optimised its manufacturing process for pipes
Nadcap certification for the "welding" sub-process has been available since the beginning of 2019. BUTTING in Knesebeck has now successfully completed the recertification.
On the occasion of the company's 35th anniversary, Hillger NDT invited its customers and project partners to a "workshop on innovative non-destructive testing (NDT) with ultrasound imaging testing
True to our self-image at BUTTING, we endeavour to impress our customers with the quality and reliability of our performance. In order to continue implementing this endeavour in future, the
Last year, the oil and gas industry throughout the world was able to convince itself of BUTTING's innovative power and problem-solving ability. After many years of development work, BUTTING has